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Technology, Service, Parts & Maintenance

Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Compressed Air Systems


There’s T-minus two days and counting until the ball drops to signify the start of the New Year. Have you made your resolutions yet?

Here are our top five New Year’s resolutions for compressed air systems.

  1. Stay fit and healthy. Physical fitness was the number one resolution in 2015 and will continue to be a huge concern for many Americans in 2016. Everyone knows that healthier people live longer and more active lives. The same is true for healthy compressed air equipment. Proper compressed air system maintenance not only helps reduce your next energy bill, but also helps extend the life of your compressed air system well into the future.
  2. Lose weight. The average American gains at least one pound during the holiday season and many resolve to lose that pound and more in the New Year.  At your facility, it might be time to lose the equipment that is dragging your operation down in favor of new, more efficient equipment or upgraded parts. We’ve written a lot about the benefits of upgrading equipment this year, so be sure to check out past articles on the topic.
  3. Enjoy life to the fullest. Enjoying life is easiest when you aren’t worried about equipment downtime or production losses. Remote monitoring of compressed air equipment is one of the most effective strategies to help facilities avoid downtime. Whatever the facility’s production schedule, 24/7 remote monitoring is constantly compiling compressed air data in real-time—data that can be analyzed for key performance indicators to predict potential problems. Which leads us to our next resolution…
  4. Spend less, save more. Access to compressed air system data helps plant managers develop an ongoing plan to improve system usage and efficiency throughout the production cycle. Other ways to spend less and save more include identifying and fixing leaks, eliminating inappropriate uses of compressed air and reducing pressure drops throughout the compressed air system.
  5. Learn something new. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and before you know it, a whole year has passed. Taking time to learn something new can create a ripple effect through other areas of your life. Be sure to check in every week to learn the latest compressed air news and insights, and subscribe to The 5th Utility and receive a newsletter recap of the week’s posts every Friday morning.

At the start of the New Year, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a fresh start, but good intentions often fall victim to procrastination after just a few months. Taking small steps, like identifying and fixing leaks, can help create good habits that will benefit your facility’s operations in the months to come.

What are your New Year’s resolutions? Tell us in the comments below.

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