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Image of an engineer leaving a compressor room
Technology, Service, Parts & Maintenance

Four Factors to Keep in Mind for Compressor Housing


A lot of thought goes into purchasing a new air compressor. From calculating free air demand to determining the necessary air quality for end use, a purchase of this magnitude requires diligent research. But one key issue that is sometimes forgotten is where the compressor will be housed once it’s delivered to your facility. Consider these four factors when deciding where to house your compressor or compressor system:

Size: The physical size, or footprint, of a compressor varies from product to product, and manufacturer to manufacturer. Depending on the available square footage of your facility, you may need to take the footprint of the compressor into consideration. If you have multiple compressors, it may be more convenient to house them in a separate room. Knowing the size of your compressor system beforehand will help you figure out the best location for your new purchase.

Intake Air Quality: How pure does your compressed air need to be at the end use? Depending on the application, you may need extremely pure air (think semiconductor production) while other uses may be less sensitive to contamination (think auto shops). While all compressor systems do include levels of filtration, the biggest factor in final compressed air quality is the purity of intake air. Whatever your end use needs may be, make sure the ambient air at the inlet valve is suitable for the application.

Distance to End Use: The longer the distance compressed air travels to the end use, the higher the risk for pressure drops. Make sure that you consider how far your compressed air will be transported and perform a few calculations to ensure the necessary pressure will still be available at end use. Knowing this can help you find a home for your compressor that won’t result in drastically reduced air pressure.

Noise: Noise can be an irritating side effect of compressors. Some compressors are available in noise-reducing packages that can be housed in the same room as your end uses and operations, but others do not. This can be an issue in small spaces or rooms prone to echoes, so consider the amount of sound you want to hear, especially if this is a compressor that runs constantly.

When choosing a new compressor system, it’s good to keep all the facts in mind. From identifying your cfm and pressure needs to deciding where your machine will be housed, there are many facets to consider before making your purchase. Always work with an expert to find the best compressor for your operation. Are you thinking about purchasing a new compressor? Contact our experts today to get started on finding the right compressor for your facility.


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