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Compressor Terminology: Commonly Used Terms and Phrases

Written by Atlas Copco Compressors | Aug 3, 2023

Last week we talked to you about commonly used acronyms in the compressor industry, but let’s be honest, it is not just the acronyms that we need to know about. So, this week we are going to focus on common words or phrases that you may come across in the compressor world.

Nominal power – Power referring to the power rating of the main electrical motor (kw or HP)

Shaft power input – Total power consumed by the main motor taking into account the service factor and efficiency.

Total electrical power input – total power consumed by the compressor, including fan power, cubicle losses, inverter losses, etc.

Suppression Dew Point: Can be either PDP or ADP. Suppression only describes that the dew point varies with the ambient air temperature with a specific offset below the ambient temperature.

Life Cycle Costs (LCC) are used more and more as a tool to evaluate the difference investment options. Included in the LCC calculation are the product’s combined costs during a specific period (the capital costs, operating costs, and the service costs).

Pressure Drop – Refers to the reduction in air pressure that occurs as the compressed air travels through the system. As the compressed air flows through various components like pipes, hoses, filters, valves, and other fittings, it encounters frictions resistance, which leads to a decrease in pressure.

Oil-lubricated – Refers to compressors that use oil for lubricating moving parts, such as pistons or rotors, to reduce friction and ensure smooth operation.

Oil-free – Compressors that do not require oil for lubrication. They often use alternative methods, such as advanced materials or water, to minimize friction and provide clean, oil-free compressed air.

Condensate management – Refers to the process of handling and disposing of the moisture or condensate that is produced during the compression of air.

Intercooler – A heat exchanger used in multi-stage compressors to cool the air or gas between stages. It helps to reduce the temperature and increase the efficiency of compression.

In conclusion, understanding the common words and phrases used in the compressor industry is crucial for anyone involved in this dynamic field.

To read last week’s blog on common acronyms in the compressor industry, click here.