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Close up image of (white) wine glasses
Nitrogen Generators
Oil-Free Air Compressors

From Grapes to the Glass: Compressed Air and Gas Solutions for Winemaking Applications


Wine and Valentine’s Day are often considered a perfect pair, but have you ever given thought to the equipment that’s producing your favorite blend? With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we’re uncovering how nitrogen generators, air compressors, and blowers are the real MVPs behind the wine you’re drinking.

Winemaking Uncorked!

Compressors, nitrogen generators, and blowers play key roles in winemaking applications. Examples include:

  • Air compressors assist in introducing oxygen into the wine; this allows it to breathe and soften before it’s moved into bottles. Compressors are also essential in keeping water out of the lines!
  • Compressors provide the pressurized air that is responsible for shifting the wine from the barrel to the bottle, while nitrogen generators provide the nitrogen that removes the oxygen from the wine bottle – thus ensuring the freshness of the wine.
  • Labels are affixed to wine bottles using compressed air.
  • Nitrogen gas (supplied by a nitrogen generator) is applied to the wine as extremely fine bubbles, which helps to remove dissolved oxygen. The specific impact this has on the wine will depend on whether the blend is red or white.
  • Bye bye, grape-stomping! Compressors partner with the grape crusher and a bladder to accomplish the formerly-arduous task of crushing and pressing grapes. Once the press is loaded with grapes, the grape crusher (powered by the compressed air) inflates one side of the bladder to squeeze juice from the grapes; following this, the bladder is again inflated so that the juice travels out through the vent holes.
  • Some larger wineries have the capabilities to treat wastewater on-site, and many of these utilize a paddlewheel-style aeration method hallmarked by inconsistent oxygen concentration. However, blower systems that are integrated with membranes, include VSD technology, and have a dissolved oxygen sensor are the better options for wastewater treatment.

Interested in learning more about our compressed air or gas solutions for winemaking? Visit us at www.atlascopco.com/winesolutions or reach out to us here.

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